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Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Important points about the Interior Structure of the Earth

Important points about the Interior Structure of the Earth

In continuation to the Geography Notes which we provided earlier, today we will be covering a very Important Topic from the Geography Part of the General Knowledge section on the topic "Important points about the Interior Structure of the Earth". A good number of questions from this topic are asked from this topic in every exam. Thus, the post is very helpful for the upcoming SSC Exams 2017.
Earth has a diameter of about 12756 km at equator & about 12715 km at the poles. The Earth’s interior consists of rocks & metals & has 4 layers.
1. The Crust or the top layer of the earth.
It sustains life on the earth. It is made of igneous rocksmetamorphicrocks & sedimentary rocks. The crust is made of 2 layers—
(1) outer layer orsial which is made of silica & aluminum
(2)  inner layer or sima made of basalt & magnesium.
2. Mantle is the 2nd Layer of the earth made of silicate rocks rich in iron & magnesium. The mantle is divided into upper mantle and lower mantle.
Upper mantle consists of lithosphere & asthenosphere. Lithosphere is the hard rock layer of the mantle& the asthenosphere hemisphere is made of viscous yet solid rock.
  • Outer core – made of liquid iron & nickel.
  • Inner core- innermost & deepest Layers It is extremely hot with high pressure and this causes the contents of the inner core to remain solid.
  • The crust forms only 0.5 % of the volume of the Earth, 16% consists of the mantle & 83% makes up the core.
  • The radius of the Earth is 6371 km
  • Core is also called “nife” as it made of ni-nickle & fe-iron (ferrous)
  • The crust of the earth is made of various types of rocks (natural mass of mineral matter).
  • Rocks are of different colour, size, texture.
  • There are 3 major types of rocks
  1. Igneous
  2. Sedimentary
  3. Metamorphic

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