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Sunday, 19 February 2017

All important Points about our Solar system

Today we will be covering a very important topic from the General Knowledge section that is – All important Points about our Solar system. The post is very helpful for the upcoming  Railway  and SSC Exam .
  • The sun, eight planets, satellites some other celestial bodies known as asteroids and meteoroids form the solar system. We often call it a Solar Family with the sun as its head.
  • The Sun is the center of solar system. It is huge and made of extremely hot gases. It provides the pulling force that binds the Solar System.
  • The eight planets in the Solar System are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Jupiter Saturn, Uranus & Neptune.
  • All the planets of the Solar System move around the Sun in an elongated fixed path called orbits.
  • The Sun consists of 70% hydrogen, 28% Helium & 2% other gases .Its temperature is about 6000 °c & it is about 150 millions Kms away from the earth.
  • The Sun’s light takes about 8 mins to reach earth. There are many theories that describe the evolution of the solar system. The most important and popular ones are
  1. Gaseous Hypothesis
  2. Nebular Theory
  3. Tidal Hypothesis
  4. Planetesimal Hypothesis
  5. Binary- Sterr Hypothesis
The planets can be divided into two groups
a) Terrestrial Planets – Mercury, Venus earth & Mars
b) Jovian or Outer planets – Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, Neptune.
Stars:  Celestial bodies that are big hot & made of gases., have their own light and heat.
Constellation: Various patterns formed by different groups of stars are called constellation. Big bear is an example.
Satellite: Is a celestial body that moves around the planets.
Moon is the only satellite of the Earth. Its diameter is one quarter that of earth. It is about 3,84,4000 km away from the earth. It takes about 27 days to revolve around the earth and about the same time to rotate and its own axis. As a result only one side of the moon is visible to us on the earth .It does not have any favorable conditions like air or water for life.
Note: Neil Armstrong was the first man to land a moon’s surface, on July 29, 1969.
Asteroids: They are tiny bodies that move around the Sun., found between the orbits of Mars &Jupiter.
Meteoroids: These are small rock pieces that move around the Sun
Galaxy: It is a huge system of billions of stars and clouds of dust and gases. Millions of such galaxies make up the universe. Our solar system is a part of Milky Way Galaxy.
Largest-/ Biggest Planet          Jupiter
Smallest Planet                          Mercury
Satellites of Earth                      Moon
Nearest planet to the Sun        Mercury
Earth’s twin                                 Venus
Brightest Planet                          Venus
Brightest Star                              Ceres
Planets with rings around        Saturn
Red Planet                                   Mars
Blue Planet                                 Earth
Green Planet                               Neptune

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