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Wednesday, 8 February 2017

The Mauryan Empire

 Important questions on the Mauryan Empire

1. Who was Seleucus Nicotar?
Ans. He was Alexander's General and was appointed the ruler of North-West India.
2. To whom Seleucus' daughter was married?
Ans. Chandragupta Maurya.
3. Which provinces did Seleucus give to Chandragupta Maury at accordance with the treaty singned by them in 303 BC?
Ans. Kabul, Qandhar, Herat and Baluchistan.
4. How many elephants did Chandragupta give to Seleucus?
Ans. 500.
5. Who was Megasthenese?
Ans. He was Seleucus's ambassador in the court of Chandragupta Maurya. He was a great Philosopher.
6. What was the capital city of Chandragupta Maurya?
Ans. Patliputra.
7. Who wrote the book 'Indika'?
Ans. Megasthenes.
8. What information does the book 'Indika' provide?
Ans: This book provides us with a lot of information about the political social and economic conditions in Chandragupta's empire.
9. Who constructed the Sudarshan lake at Junagarh (Gujarat) ?
Ans. Chandragupta Maurya.
10. Under whose influence Chandragupta Maurya embraced Jainisim?
Ans. Bhadrabahu, a renowned Jain Muni.
11. On which mountain Chandragupta Maurya ended his life bii slow starvation?
Ans. Chandragiri.
12. What title did Bindusara assume?
Ans. Amitraghata (killer of the enemies).
13. By which name Bindusara was known to the Greeks.
Ans. Amitrochates.
14. Who was the governor of Taxila during the reign of Bindusara?
Ans. Susima, the eldest son of Bindusara.
15. How many sons Bindusara had?
Ans. It is generally believed that he had one hundred sons.
16. Who was the governor of Ujjain during the reign of Bindusara?
Ans. Ashoka, the second eldest son of Bindusara.
17. During the reign of Bindusara at which place the public revolted and why?
Ans. At Taxila, due to maladministration of Susim, the governor of Taxila.
18. Whom Bindusara sent to Taxila to crush the revolt?
Ans. Ashoka.
19. By whom during the reign of Bindusara the second revolt at Taxila was crushed.
Ans. Susim.
20. What was the centre of education during Mauryan regime?
Ans. Taxila.
21. What was the language of the common masses during Mauryan Empire?
Ans. Pali.
22. What was the main occupation of the people during Mauryan period?
Ans. Agriculture.
23. How much did agriculturists pay taxes during Mauryan Period?
Ans. 1/4th of the total produce.
24. Which coins were in practice during the reign of Mauryan period?
Ans. Pann, which was made of silver.
25. Where the Mauryan court was located at Patliputra?
Ans. Kumharar.
26. Of which material most of the buildings were made of at Patliputra during Mauryan period?
Ans. Wood.
27. By which name Ashoka is generally inscriptions?
Ans. Priydarshi.
28. The Ashoka's which inscription gives an account of the Kalinga war and its effects?
Ans. Minor Rock-edict -XIII.
29. Where was the main centre of production of woolen fabrics during Mauryan period?
Ans. Kashmir.
30. Who was the most famous ruler of Mauryan dynasty?
Ans. Ashoka.
31. Mauryan dynasty was divided into how many parts?
Ans. Magadh was also known as prachi, patliputra was also the capital of central administration.
32. For the smooth functioning of the administration how many departments were formed during Mauryan period?
Ans. 18 Departments were formed which were as follows-
1. Mantri - The highest officer (Prime Minister of the administration.
2. Purohita - The advisor of the king.
3. Senapati - The organiser of army.
4. Yuvraj - The adviser of the king in all affairs.
5. Samaharta - The collector of the taxes.
6. Sannidhata - Chief custodian of the state treasury.
7. Vyavaharik - The Justice.
8. Dandapal - The chief officer of the police.
9. Paur - The chief officer of the capital
10. Antavarshik - Interior officer.
11. Pradeshta - Chief Judicial officer of moral crimes.
12. Nayak - Chief officer of the town.
13. Prashasta - Police officer.
14. Durgapal - Security officer of the fort.
15. Karmantik - Industry minister.
Border security officer. Chief of the council of minist Officer of the forest department.
16. Antahpal
17. Mantriparishada Yaksha
18. Aatvika
33. What was the real name of Chanakya?
Ans. Vishnugupta, he was also known as Kautilya.
34. Which book has Chanakya written?
Ans. Arthashastra.
35. What information does the book 'Arthashastra' provide?
Ans. It throws a flood of light on the political condition of India during the Mauryan period and the administration system of the Mauryans.
36. When did Ashoka give up the policy of war and conquests?
Ans. After Kalinga war in 261 BC.
37. Where was the capital city of Ashoka?
Ans. Patliputra.
38. When did Ashoka conquer Kalinga?
Ans. In 261 BC.
39. What was Ashoka's Dhamma?
Ans. Ashoka's Dhamma derived from Sanskrit word Dharma means religious duty. It was totally different from Buddhism. It was the essence of all religions. It was the collection of some of the good principles of all religions.
40. What does the term 'Dharma Mahapatra' mean?
Ans. Ashoka appointed some people who were sent to different parts of his empire and even to abroad for preaching Buddhism.
41. Where did Ashoka send his son Mahindra and daughter Sanghmitra for preaching Buddhism?
Ans. Sri Lanka.
42. During whose reign the third Buddhist council was held and where?
Ans. Ashoka, at Patliputra.
43. Where did Ashoka constructed four rock-cut caves for Ajivakas?
Ans. In Barabara mountain near Gaya in Bihar.
44. By whom the Stupa of Sanchi was constructed?
Ans. Ashoka.
45. By whom the Stupa of Bharhut was constructed?
Ans. Ashoka.
46. By whom and where the four lion-head pillar was constructed?
Ans. Ashoka, at Sarnath.
47. Who did give the lessons of Buddhism to Ashoka?
Ans. Famous monk of his time Upgupta.
48. Who was the incharge of a district during Mauryan period?
Ans. Asthanika.
49. Who was the incharge of a village during Mauryan period?
Ans. Gopa.
50. What name was given to the mayor of the city during Mauryan period?
Ans. Nagrika.
51. From which source we are able to know a lot of information about Ashoka?
Ans. Incriptions.
52. In which scripts the inscriptions of Ashoka were engraved ?
Ans. Brahmi, Kharoshti, Greek and Aramaik.
53. Into how many parts the inscriptions of Ashoka are divided?
Ans. Three parts-Rock edicts, pillar edicts and cave edicts.
54. There are how many Ashoka's rock edicts and who has Ans deciphered it?
Ans. James prince first successfully deciphered it in 1837 AD. There are14 Ashokas edicts which are found in eight different places.
Rock edicts Places
1. Shahbazgarhi Peshawar (Pakistan)
2. Mansehra Hazara (Pakistan)
3. Girnar Junagarh (Gujarat)
4. Dhauli Puri (Orissa)
5. Kalsi Dehradun (U. P.)
6. Jaugarh Ganjam (Andhra Pradesh)
7. Sopara Thane (Maharashtra)
8. Eragudi Kurnool (Andhra Pradesh)
55. What information do we get from Ashoka's rock edicts?
Ans. It explains the administration and ethics.
56. What information do we get from Ashoka's minor rock edicts?
Ans. It explains the personal history of Ashoka and summary Dhamma.

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