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Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Shape Up your Vocabulary from Newspaper Wordlist - 29th March 2017

Shape Up your Vocabulary from Newspaper Wordlist - 29th March 2017

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Good Morning Everyone..!!
We are here with your Daily dose of Challenging Wordlist. Consider the given newspaper article as a Comprehension for your exams and do answer the questions at the end.

Today’s article, 'Powered by a pause: delay in Indo-U.S. nuclear deal’ has been picked from The Hindu.

This article talks about nuclear deal between India & United States which was announced in 2005 has been delayed as it brings an opportunity to re-examine the energy crate.
To read more, you can go through the article from the link below - 

Powered by a pause: delay in Indo-U.S. nuclear deal

Challenging Words in the Article -

  • Obstacle (बाधा) - Noun
    Meaning -
     a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress
    Synonyms - 
    hurdle, barrier
    Antonyms - advantage, aid
    Example -
     The major obstacle to achieving that goal is money.
  • Ratifying (पुष्टि की) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid
    Synonyms -
     approve, confirm
    Antonyms - deny, disagree
    Example - 
    The shareholders will ratify any merger that will increase their dividends.
  • Bankruptcy (दिवालियापन) - Noun
    Meaning - 
    the state of being bankrupt
    - default, disaster
    Antonyms - accomplishment, success
    Example - 
    The company is on the verge of bankruptcy.
  • Precarious (अनिश्चित) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    not securely held or in position, dangerously likely to fall or collapse
    Synonyms - 
    uncertain, insecure
    Antonyms -  certain, definite
    Example - 
    If you think the weather is bad now, see how precarious conditions will be when the hurricane makes landfall.
  • Indigenous (स्वदेशी) - Adjective
    Meaning - 
    originating or occurring naturally in a particular place, native
    Synonyms - 
    domestic, native
    Antonyms - alien, foreign
    Example -
     When you introduce a new species of birds to the indigenous species in a habitat, there is bound to be some type of conflict.
  • Dimmed (मंद हो) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    make or become less intense
    Synonyms - 
    blur, dull
    Antonyms - clean, clear
    Example - 
    The difficulty in sleeping couldn't dim her happiness.
  • Mapped (मैप किए गए) - Verb
    Meaning - 
    represent (an area) on a map, make a map of
    Synonyms - 
    chart, plot
    Example - 
    Almost immediately he mapped out a business plan to become a freelance reporter.

Word of the Day

  • Campanology (कैंपानोलॉजी) - Noun
  • Meaning - the art or practice of bell-ringing
  • Synonyms - carillon playing, peal rining
  • Example (English) - The software company’s policies stipulate employees must take two fifteen-minute breaks a day.
  • Example (Hindi) - घंटी-विद्या आज भी प्रचलित अत्यंत रोचक और महीन कलाओं में से एक है।
 Now considering the article above as a Reading Comprehension question, try to answer the following - 
  • Do you consider the Indo-U.S. nuclear deal as a failure? Critically comment.
  • What will be the benefits to India from doing this agreement?
Given below are some words to check your vocabulary you can make sentences with those words in the comment section which will be reviewed by us.
  • Delayed
  • Opportunity
  • Despite
  • Acquisition


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