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Friday, 2 June 2017

English Exercise on Tricks of Noun

English Exercise on Tricks of Noun

Image result for NOUN

Dear Aspirants
Here in this article, we are providing an English Exercise on Tricks of Noun based on our English Master Series Module -3. 
This Exercise will be very helpful while solving the questions of Spotting Errors and Fill in the blanks.
1. Children are playing / and making mischiefs / as their holidays have started. / No error.
2. Sheeps are economically useful / and so they are reared / for wool and meat. / No error.
3. I read the letter / and made him aware / of its content. / No error.
4. I shall not go to party tonight / since I have many works to complete / before I give presentation tomorrow. / No error.
5. One must be always / true to one’s words / if one wants to get respect from everyone. / No error.
6. Even after the enactment of several Acts and Provisions / we can see five years old boys / working in hazardous factories. / No error.
7. The fan’s blade / has broken / and we must buy a new fan before disposing it off. / No error.
8. She wears spectacle / and so she was unable to see the gangster / that attacked her last night. / No error.
9. All the furnitures have been / sold for a song / as we were in a hurry to leave the town. / No error.
10. The angry mob / attacked the police officers / when they came to raze the illegal construction. / No error.
1. Children are playing and making mischief as their holidays have started.
Explanation – Mischief is an uncountable noun. It has no plural form.
2. Sheep are economically useful  and so they are reared  for wool and meat.
Explanation –  Sheep has no plural form but can be used as plural sense.
3. I read the letter and made him aware of its contents.
Explanation – contents it means ‘that are contained in a piece of writing or speech’.
4. I shall not go to party tonight since I have many pieces of work to complete before I give presentation tomorrow .
Explanation – Work is an uncountable noun. Many pieces of work is the correct usage.
5. One must be always true to one’s word if one wants to get respect from everyone.
Explanation –  true to one’s word should be used.
6. Even after the enactment of several Acts and Provisions we can see five year old boysworking in hazardous factories.
Explanation –  Here year will be in singular form as it qualifies noun boysand acts as an adjective.
7. The blade of fan has broken and we must buy a new fan before disposing it off.
Explanation – blade of fan should be used.
8. She wears spectacles and so she was unable to see the gangster that attacked her last night.
Explanation – spectacles should be used.
9. All the furniture have been sold for a song as we were in a hurry to leave the town.
Explanation – Furniture being an uncountable noun will take singular verb.
10. The mob attacked the police officers when they came to raze the illegal construction.
Explanation – Angry mob is superfluous. Mob means angry group of people.

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